Founded in 2012, Sleeve Sisters provides support for women who choose the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure as a weight loss option. Its worldwide membership includes chapters in California, New York, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, New Jersey and Canada. Sleeve Sisters has been recognized for its online live video chat sessions and exclusive support groups on social media networks. In addition to healthy eating, exercise, meditation and yoga classes, we offer spiritual guidance while providing emotional support, awareness and preventative measures.
Over the past 4 years, we’ve served 2,000-2,500 individuals including youth, and young adult women on average each year to stabilize their lives and in many cases, become active members of society.
Our mission is to work with different medical teams to help spread awareness, the cause and prevention of obesity along with information about weight loss surgery. Our purpose is to contribute our personal experience and demonstrate lifestyle changes with positive outcomes. This includes group gatherings, seminars, fundraising, sponsorships, and other programs that are offered through our organization.